Universities are increasingly seeking a teacher who is not only skilled in teaching and research but also exhibit active engagement in their roles. This trend is reflected in the various studies that highlight the multifaceted nature of academic responsibilities and the attributes that higher education institutions value in their teachers. This leads us to new terminology active and passive teachers.

The relationship between active and passive teacher behavior and student learning outcomes is a subject of interest in higher education. Active teaching methods engage students in the learning process, while passive, lecture-based approaches may not involve students as directly. Active engagement includes interactive learning tools and focuses on higher-order thinking and metacognition. The active role of a teacher is reflected in student life and personality development. Teacher personality traits, communication style, and flexibility significantly influence student academic achievement and engagement. The teacher-student relationship directly predicts the emotional well-being of students, affecting their anxiety and depression levels. Active teacher engagement in interactive student activities can narrow the gap between teachers and students. Emotional intelligence in teachers is a key factor in effective teaching and student success. A passive teaching approach that lacks engagement and emotional intelligence is likely to negatively affect student performance and personality development. Gulf University’s approach to involving teachers in various activities, including sports, community engagement, science and social trips and other activities, aligns with strategies that have been shown to improve student engagement and foster positive social relations. Active teacher engagement in various aspects of student life is contrasted with passive teaching and is supported by evidence suggesting its positive impact on student engagement and learning outcomes. Educational practices that prioritize active teaching strategies are crucial for improving student achievement and should be encouraged within the educational system.

universities are looking for teachers who are actively involved in their teaching and research roles, demonstrating adaptability, effective resource management, and a commitment to professional growth and mentorship.

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