النظرة العامة للبرنامج

The aim of this masters in Human Resource Management is to develop you as an HR professional. You will be introduced to specialised knowledge and research evidence giving you an in depth understanding of successful people management in organisations. Perhaps more importantly, you will practice the tools and techniques of strategic and operational HRM giving you practical, insight-driven experience which will help further your career.

Human Resources can be an exciting, rewarding and challenging career that can take you anywhere in the world.

Accreditation: CIPD

لمحات عن البرنامج

  • CIPD accreditation and membership on completion of the MA Human Resource Management course.
  • Receive a master degree from the University of Northampton while studying in Bahrain.
  • Explore the opportunity to complete one semester on the UK campus, University of Northampton.
  • Get hands-on and experiential learning.
  • يتمكن الطالب من الوصول إلى مصادر التعلم من جامعة نورثهامبتون والجامعة الخليجية أثناء الدراسة في البحرين.
  • إثراء تجربة التعلم من خلال أعضاء هيئة التدريس المؤهلين تأهيلاً عالياً وذوي الخبرة والمتنوعين من الجامعتين.
  • Experience high-quality education in the UK system at affordable cost.

اكتشف حرمنا الجامعي

معلومات أساسية

المستوى: 9 NQF
المدة: Full Time: One and half year
البدء: September
الرسوم: 140 BD Per Credit Hour. The Total Program Credit Hours is 42
الموقع: الجامعة الخليجية

تواصل معنا

للأسئلة المتعلقة بالدراسة والقبول ، يرجى الاتصال بنا:

(+973) 1762 0092

البريد الإلكتروني:

مبنى 1964 ، طريق 4363 ، سند 743 ، مملكة البحرين

سمات الخريجين

  • Knowledge and Passion in HRM: Graduates will have a great appreciation for their role as HR employees which will reflect in their passion for
  • Professional: They will have the ability to implement the gained knowledge
  • Effective communicator: They will have the ability to communicate ideas effectively through different
  • Team Player: Graduates will have the ability to play a productive and vital role as team members and
  • Problem Solver: Graduates will know the methodology for addressing the problems and solving
  • Lifelong learner: Graduates will have the ability to educate themselves and keep up to date with contemporary issues and recent trends in
  • Sustainability Driven: Graduates will implement gained knowledge in incorporating sustainable ideas and practices in all aspects of their lives
  • Creative and Reflective Thinker: Graduates will possess the habit of creative thinking about HRM problems or any other HRM related

محتوى البرنامج

  • CIPD Accreditation.
  • MA in Human resources management program is placed at level 9 based on BQA standards, Bahrain National Qualification Framework (NQF).

The Human Resource Management MA course modules are designed to provide you with expert knowledge of distinct HR subject areas combined with exposure to contemporary debates, policies and practices, keeping you at the forefront of developments in your field. You will develop an understanding of HRM within a range of organisational contexts, and you will be equipped with the analytical and diagnostic skills required of HR professionals in the workplace.

In today’s global, fast-moving business environment it is often people that determine organisational success. Human Resources Management (HRM) is a strategic, business-focused approach to managing people. With a masters in HR, you may go on to help organisations achieve success by providing knowledge, expertise and insight into a wide range of HRM activities from talent resourcing and selection, performance management, learning and development, change management and employee engagement.

يُعلن لاحقًا

يُعلن لاحقًا

Semester 1

Leading Managing and Developing People: You will analyse key factors in leading, managing and developing people for organisational success. Every organisation is made up of individuals whose behaviour, individually or collectively, will impact on its ability to succeed. Organisational performance can be enhanced and increased through the strategic management, leadership and development of people. This module enables you to gain an in-depth knowledge of HRM and HRD and explores major themes from the growing literature and research in this subject area.

Resourcing and Developing Talent: You will evaluate strategies for resourcing and developing talent within the organisation. You will consider the practical aspects of recruitment, selection, employee retention and dismissal and explore the strategic aspects of planning an organisation’s long and short term human resource requirements. This module requires analysis of external labour markets and considerations of flexibility, as well as an understanding of how internal labour markets can become more productive and effective. You will also develop a critical understanding of the role and influence of a range of contextual factors associated with the design, delivery and evaluation of learning and development in a variety of organisational contexts. You will explore and evaluate the contribution of learning and talent development strategies in meeting the ambitions and objectives of the organisation and the individual.

International and Comparative HRM: This module aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding to critically appraise the international context of strategic HRM. You will explore the complex social, economics and organisational institutions within which organisations compete and the implications for people management.

Semester 2

Employment Law and Relations: You will develop and reflect upon your knowledge and understanding of Employment Relations from a number of different perspectives. The holistic significance of employment relations within an organisation is emphasised together with the importance of aligning HR policies with business strategy, change processes, employee voice and involvement practices. Good employee relations are important for an organisation’s success in the achievement of its business objectives and for gaining employee commitment to those objectives. Increasing legislation in this area has also brought pressure to develop appropriate managerial strategies to ensure employee commitment to organisational success. You will analyse key aspects of employment law relevant to the jurisdiction you work in and their practical implications for the operation of HR and management practice.

HRM in Context: You will explore HRM in a business context to develop your understanding of the increasingly complex environments HR must work within both inside and external to organisations.  This module allows learners to develop analysis skills to facilitate informed choices on which strategies may be most and least appropriate.

Research Methods and Dissertation: In semesters 2 and 3 of your masters in HR, you will work on completing a 13,000-word dissertation. You will be supported through introductory class sessions on research methods and on-line materials and you will be allocated a supervisor who will guide and support you through this process.

  • 16 Classrooms, each with a capacity of 25 seats, 1 Lecture Hall with capacity of 60 seats.
  • 2 Seminar Rooms, each with capacity of 30 seats
  • 4 General Computer labs with respective capacity of 24, 12, 14 and 42 computer stations
  • Advanced Computer lab (Creativity Platform) with capacity of serving 21 students in each session,
  • The classrooms are equipped with smartboards.
  • تحتوي بعض الفصول الدراسية على أجهزة عرض تفاعلية.
  • The 4 Computer labs are equipped with the following licensed software: Microsoft Office; Visual Studio.
  • Studying Doctor of Philosophy
  • Master’s thesis procedures

تطمح الجامعة الخليجية إلى توفير حياة جامعية مثرية إضافة إلى الابتكار والتنمية المستدامة.

The campus has spaces for students and staff socializing in open spaces with innovative seating arrangements along with spaces for individual and group learning, seminars and presentation.

Gulf University aims to enrich students’ experience with social and learning opportunities with events and activities both on and off campus.

تتبنى الجامعة نهجًا شاملاً للأنشطة الأكاديمية واللاصفية بما في ذلك الرياضة، مما يساهم في تنمية الشخصية والمهنية الشاملة للطلاب.

كيف سأتعلم؟

The learning and teaching style on the Human Resources Management masters at UON is designed to enable you to take responsibility for your own learning and skills development within a caring environment facilitated by high quality academic support from tutors. You will be introduced to the core course content through activities that can be taken in your own time, off campus. These activities will usually be facilitated through the University’s Virtual Learning Environment – a web-based portal where you will be able to participate in learning activities, online discussions, reading and reflection. During your sessions on campus, the emphasis will be on participative and interactive activities designed to develop your understanding through debate, discussion, role-play and participation in events such as guest speakers and a mock employment tribunal.

This HR masters course usually has a diverse student group which provides a rich basis for sharing different experiences and thinking on organisational and people issues. Peer networking is encouraged so you can maximise your learning from the different student experiences that are shared throughout the course.

كيف سيتم تقييمي؟

The MA Human Resource Management course uses a carefully balanced combination of in-course assignments designed to enrich your learning which include business projects, practical HR activities, reflective activities, group work presentation and examinations. The 13,000 word Dissertation is a major component of this course and allows students to demonstrate a range of knowledge, skills and insight in their chosen topic area.

في الجامعة:

مكتب دعم تكنولوجيا المعلومات
1' الطابق الأول، المبنى الرئيسي للجامعة الخليجية
من الثامنة صباحا وحتى الرابعة مساءا

للتواصل مع قسم تكنولوجيا المعلومات:

البريد الإلكتروني: helpdesk@gulfuniversity.edu.bh
هاتف: +973 1762 0092 - تحويلة 111-112-113
واتساب: +973 3563 3610

الأيام المفتوحة القادمة

تمنحك الأيام المفتوحة فرصة الحصول على أفضل تجربة وفهم أفضل للمواد والأشخاص والمرافق التي تهمك. اجعل اختيارك أسهل وتعال لتلتقي بنا.

الوظائف والتوظيف

  • Chief learning officer
  • Compensation & benefits manager
  • Human resources manager or director
  • Industrial relations director
  • Labor relations consultant or manager
  • Learning & development director
  • Training & development manager or facilitator

قصة طالب

قصة وجدان صلاح

"إن الحصول على وظيفة هو أحد أفضل القرارات التي اتخذتها على الإطلاق. لقد مكنني من الحصول على فرصة للنظر بدقة في صناعة الموارد البشرية ، لتطوير فهم للبنية والسلوك ومعايير العمل داخل المنظمة ، بالإضافة إلى تحسين مهارات الاتصال الشفهي والكتابي.

"لقد لعب التدريب العملي دورًا حاسمًا في تحديد المهنة التي أرغب في متابعتها، حيث أصبحت الآن واثقًا من ما أرغب في القيام به بعد التخرج. أشعر أنني الآن لدي ميزة في توسيع شبكتي في قطاع إدارة الموارد البشرية. كما أن هذا التدريب له تأثير كبير على تطوري الشخصي - فقبل عام كنت شخصًا خجولًا، بينما الآن أنا أكثر ثقة وأرى التحول داخل نفسي."

البرامج ذات الصلة

إدارة الموارد البشرية

يلتزم برنامج بكالوريوس إدارة الموارد البشرية في الجامعة الخليجية بتخريج خريجين جاهزين للعمل يتمتعون بمهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين ومواصلة الدراسات العليا في إدارة الموارد البشرية والتخصصات ذات الصلة.

المحاسبة والعلوم المالية

يسعى برنامج البكالوريوس في المحاسبة والمالية إلى تدريب الطلاب في المجالات العلمية والمهنية في المحاسبة والمالية للتعامل مع تحديد وقياس وتقديم المعلومات لاتخاذ القرار.

هل هذا البرنامج مناسب لك؟
