أجرى برنامج هندسة التصميم الداخلي ورشة عمل ثري دي ماكس لمدة يومين بواسطة مساعدة المختبر السيدة نيحا شبير. لقد كان تدريبًا أساسيًا لمؤسسة ثري دي ماكس كخدمات مجتمعية خلال فصل الخريف / ديسمبر 2020.

أجرى برنامج هندسة التصميم الداخلي ورشة عمل ثري دي ماكس لمدة يومين بواسطة مساعدة المختبر السيدة نيحا شبير. لقد كان تدريبًا أساسيًا لمؤسسة ثري دي ماكس كخدمات مجتمعية خلال فصل الخريف / ديسمبر 2020.
“Interdisciplinary Thinking on Instructional Design for Distance Learning in Interior Design and Architecture Programs” The transition of educational process from physical classroom learning to distance learning around the world recently has led to restructuring the instructional design of distance learning in higher education. The nature […]
The Gulf University launched the second edition of its international conference entitled Digital Media and Social Transformations in the Arab Gulf, remotely on the first and second of November 2020, with the participation of 49 researchers from various Arab countries. In this regard, Dr. Muhannad […]
1. The student Niha Shabbir Mukadam completed the course requirements for Prototyping for Digital Experience from IDEO on July 2020 for three days. 2. The student Raneem Raad has completed the five-week requirements for LEADING FOR CREATIVITY EMPOWERING OTHERS TO TACKLE CHALLENGES CREATIVELY during July-August […]
It was invited Mr. Chadi Safi Eddine-General Manager at Delmon Furniture Factory (AJM Kooheji Group ) Manufacturing Company to present a lecture as a guest speaker for IDE students in IND 392 Exhibition Design and ENGI271 Interior Construction & Materials courses on 24/06/2020 during Summer […]
IDE program conducted an online workshop by Eng. Abdulrahman Jamal via Zoom Application and is titled “We are Engineers not only Designers” on 07/06/2020 as a Community Engagement activity, talking about the differences between Interior Design and Interior Design Engineering.
Three students from Interior Design Engineering program-Gulf University participated in The 8th Undergraduate Research Competition on 20th April 2020/at Abu Dhabi University. They submitted a research “Passive Cooling Design & Green House in Gulf Countries” on 22/2/2020 by Manar Jaafar Hasan ALaali, Hadeel al-Kurdi, and […]
Five students from the Interior Design Engineering program at Gulf University participated in a portfolio competition during AY 2019-2020 for the second time conducted by the University of Kingdom/Interior design department. The students designed their portfolios based on the required criteria including their projects throughout […]
The Interior Design Engineering Department participated in National Charter for the Kingdom of Bahrain on 20th February 2020 under the supervision of Dr. Aseel Abdulsalam Al-Ayash by conducting an IDE Exhibition for some interior design students works from Gulf university in presence of the Minister […]
The project will act as a smart mobility solution for the blind while crossing the roads and during their movement in their homes in order to prevent collision with any object that impedes their movement during the walk, as it will vibration when they approach […]